

Deluxe - Get 5 more
For Sale by Owner

For only $-.--, we can help you get this domain. Here's how it works:*

Important Information Concerning your .TEL Domain Order

Get this domain:

Your inquiry for has been submitted and
you will be contacted about your request shortly.



What's a premium domain?

If at any point you would like to become a member of the Sponsored Community and host a live website on your .XXX domain name, please send an email to and request a Sponsored Community membership email.

流理台設計 流理台設計 (2)申請信貸萬萬不可透過代辦業者,除產生高額費用也可能造成銀行謝絕來往。萬萬不要等自己陷入迫切的狀態下,沒有選擇時亂貸,造成更大負擔。(3)預先透過完全免費且與銀行正式合作的「實貸比力網」評估,尋找較有益的銀行申請。


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For Sale by Owner


* The price includes a one-time, non-refundable set-up fee and annual subscription fee for the Service per each domain name requested for backorder. Network Solutions reserves the right to waive or discount the set-up fee at any time. The price does not include the cost of the actual domain name. If the domain name is acquired, the cost of the one-year domain name registration will be charged to your credit card or other payment method on file. Network Solutions does not guarantee that you will obtain the domain name through this Service.

You must be a licensed business professional or business entity to register a .pro domain. Your license must be in good standing with, a government certification body or jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body, which body requires that its members be licensed or admitted to a certifying or licensing entity and regularly verifies the accuracy of its data. A government body may include, for example, your country, state/province, county, or city government.

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Remember, when your register a Premium Domain Name like you're getting a name that:

Every .tel domain allows you to publish, update and manage contact information, keywords and locations, in real time, without the need for a website. Therefore, you do not need to purchase an additional website or hosting package with your .tel domain. Because Web hosting is not required for .tel domains some of our products such as Web Forwarding and SSL Certificates are not applicable. However, you can use Private Registration to protect your WHOIS information.

.XXX Domains

Misspelled and Similar Domain Names

流理台推薦 流理台People will often misspell your domain name and you could be missing out on traffic that should be yours. Register your common misspellings and similar sounding domains before your competition does.


*You may be requested to provide additional information regarding your business license.

Backorder Domain Name

Premium Domain Names are priced higher than unregistered domains based on certain criteria such as the domain's history, demand, relevancy, keyword strength and traffic potential. This premium price is a one-time cost that includes an extra renewal year added to the term for $19.99. You may add more renewal years to the term for $19.99 per year at the time of initial purchase. Renewals made after the initial term has expired will cost the standard Network Solutions renewal pricing.


You must provide your business license information after you purchase your .pro domain or your domain name will not resolve. If you have not provided your business license information you will not be allowed to renew your .pro domain.


  • First Name (or company/organization)
  • Last Name (or company/organization)
  • Date of Licensure
  • Type of Profession
  • Jurisdiction Country
  • Licensing Authority
  • License Number
  • Licensing Authority Website


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Misspelled Domain Names
Similar Domain Names


This premium domain is available for sale through one of the Network Solutions® partners. For more information, please fill out the form below please and we will contact your shortly. Submitting this form does not commit you to any purchase agreement, however, it does provide Network Solutions your consent to share this information with the owner in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

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Get this domain:

What's a premium domain?
  • Builds credibility and is easy-to-remember
  • Improves your website's visibility in search engines
  • Capitalizes existing SEO rankings so your site is found faster


Premium Domain names may have unique pricing based on various criteria, and may have non-uniform renewal registration pricing such that the renewal fee for a domain may differ from other domain names with the same extension. Renewal pricing for any such Premium Domain shall be at the then-current rate. The current renewal rate for this domain is $0.00, subject to change at the discretion of Network Solutions and/or the applicable registry.

台北2020年5月19日 /PRNewswire/ -- 全國最大的信譽貸款對照網站「AlphaLoan實貸比力網」公布查詢拜訪數據分析。結果顯示:實貸網展望的小我化銀行信貸額度/利率/經由過程機率,準確率達94%。報告也同時揭露多項利用者問券查詢拜訪分析。

Your order contains a .XXX domain name. For each .XXX domain name, please select if you would like your domain name to resolve (host a live website) or not. In order for your domain name to resolve, you need to complete the Sponsored Community Membership Application Process and enter your membership ID in the Domain Details page in the Account Manager.

Please Note: Your .tel website will be populated with your domain name and published automatically after purchase. You will be able to change your contact information through your account at any time.

Network Solutions does not own this domain name. In order to secure this domain you will need to negotiate directly with the current registrant and any payment will be made direct to him/her.




We'd like to stay in touch and occasionally send you special offers. We ( and our subsidiaries) may contact you via email, post, SMS, phone or other electronic means, however, we will never sell your information to other companies for marketing purposes.

Get 3 domains for

We recommend purchasing multiple extensions of your domain. By claiming as many domains associated with your brand as possible, you ensure your customers can easily find you online. This helps protect your brand and prevents others from affecting its reputation.

  • We'll negotiate for you anonymously with whoever currently owns the domain.
  • If the owner of the domain isn't ready to sell yet, we will watch it every day to see when it becomes available.
  • If the owner doesn't renew, we'll get it for you before it becomes available to the general public.

Important Information for your .PRO Domain Order

流理台設計 台中流理台另須注意股利申報在計算對教育、文化、公益、慈善機構或集體捐贈羅列扣除限額時,股利採分隔計稅者的綜合所得總額,應不包括股利所得。


If you are interested in this domain name, close this message and click the "MAKE OFFER" button and complete the following form.

For Sale by Owner

You must be able to provide evidence of your license including*:

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Why do I want more than one extension?
Standard - Get 3 more

流理台推薦 流理台Try to get the domain name you really want now with a Certified Offer from Network Solutions®. Make an instant, anonymous offer to buy an already registered domain name. It's easy, fast and secure. Learn more

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